New national poll: Americans across party lines want clean energy and believe it is the key to creating new jobs, and support strong environmental protection even if it costs more

A new independent poll has very important findings. Among them:

  • Three out of four Americans agree with the following statement: "Smarter energy choices are the key to creating new jobs and a future that is healthy and safe because fossil fuels create toxic wastes that are a threat to our health and safety."
  • 72 percent would tell their Member of Congress, governor or state lawmaker the following: "When it comes to energy production that requires large amounts of water or where water quality is in jeopardy as a result of the energy production, my vote would be for coming down on the side of the public's health and the environment. We should favor cleaner energy sources that use the least water and involve the lowest possible risk to the public and environment."
  • 81 percent agree that: "Water shortages and clean drinking water are real concerns. America should put the emphasis on first developing new energy sources that require the least water and have minimal water pollution.
  • 65 percent would pay up to 10 percent or more extra for "the development of renewable energy sources that protect the air and water better than other alternatives."

My colleague Kate Sinding provides more details on her blog.