A Time for Boldness: How We Can Repower America with Clean Energy

Like many Americans, I feel a sense of measured optimism these days. Yes the economy is in collapse and we live on a "planet in peril," but we also have an environmental advocate headed toward the White House.

In his acceptance speech, President-elect Barack Obama captured the paradox America is facing: we have a long list of challenges, but out of this turmoil can arise opportunity. We can meet these difficult times with boldness, not timidity; with innovation, not more-of-the-same.

We can begin the era of transformation by repowering America with clean energy. This of what this will accomplish: Many Americans are struggling, but we can lift ourselves out of this economic crisis through new, clean energy solutions that create jobs and solve global warming.

As a tax-deductible, non-partisan organization, NRDC did not endorse specific candidates. But now that the election has been decided, NRDC and our partner groups are prepared to work with President-elect Obama and the new Congress to:


  • Create 5 million new jobs
  • Cut our dependence on oil by 50 percent
  • Reduce global warming pollution by at least 80 percent by 2050
  • Grant the California waiver for regulating global warming emissions from cars.
  • Have federal agencies undo the damage done from Bush rollbacks on clean air regulations and protections against drilling in sensitive wilderness areas.


We already have better energy choices-- like solar, wind and geothermal-- that can accomplish all of this. Now we need the smart policies that will bring those benefits to more Americans, things like incentives to make homes and offices more energy efficient and investments to expand America's public transit and retool our factories to build new fuel-efficient, plug-in cars.

Of course this work will be challenging. President-elect Obama is taking office in the midst of an economic cataclysm. He will be faced with monumental challenges and beset by powerful special interests. And while there are new faces in Congress, the old allies of the fossil fuel industry are not about to surrender without a fight.

But America is ready for bold leadership that capitalizes on our country's resourcefulness and ingenuity. It really is time for change.