NRDC Launches Ad Campaign on Gas Drilling in NY’s Marcellus Shale

In an effort to up the visibility of the Marcellus Shale gas drilling issue, NRDC recently ran a radio spot in Albany and this print ad in the Legislative Gazette in an effort to make sure that the Governor, the State Legislature and decisionmakers at the Department of Environmental Conservation hear our message loud and clear: no gas drilling in NY’s Marcellus Shale unless and until it is shown that it can be done safely.

As I have previously blogged, NRDC does not believe the state’s draft environmental review is sufficient to make that showing, and we continue our call for DEC to issue a new draft that contains the numerous missing or improper analyses that will enable sound decisionmaking on this critical issue.  Simply put, it is our contention that there are certain critical deficiencies that cannot legally be corrected simply by going from a draft to a final document.  Rather, the public is entitled to a second round of review and comment on those deficiencies.

We’ll be running additional spots in Albany through the legislative session.  We’ll also be running some spots with our partner, Catskill Mountainkeeper, in other upstate communities in the coming weeks.

And we will post back here as gas drilling-related legislation advances to let you know how you can take action on this issue of critical importance to New Yorkers.