Chamber to Apple: Go Rot

Apparently the US Chamber is not really into criticism, judging from the letter Chamber President Tom Donohue sent to Apple today in response to Apple's decision to quit the Chamber. And apparently the US Chamber is a little mixed up as to which of the two is charting a course to the 21st century.

As The Hill reports,

"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is not softening its stance against climate legislation despite losing four companies over its opposition to a carbon cap."

The Wall Street Journal politely said

"The head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday appeared to take a jab at Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Chief Executive Steve Jobs for defecting from the business organization in a dispute over climate-change policy."

ABC's Ned Potter reprints the whole letter, which suggests that Apple doesn't really understand all this big energy business stuff:

"It is unfortunate that your company didn't take the time to understand the Chamber's position on climate and forfeited the opportunity to advance a 21st century approach to climate change."

Now I'm not sure how refusing to budge on clean energy and climate is the equivalent of advancing a 21st century approach to climate change, but at any rate, the Chamber seems to miss the point by wrapping with:

"It is a shame that Apple will not be part of our efforts." 

Hey, uh Chamber? I think that was Apple's point in leaving.

All of this of course makes even more appropriate the question

Running tab of criticisms by the Chamber's own members:

Quit US Chamber: Exelon, PNM Resources, PG&E, Apple.

Quit US Chamber Board: Nike.

Says Chamber doesn't represent their views on climate: Johnson&Johnson, General Electric, San Jose Chamber of Commerce.