J Henry Fair's Photos Featured on NBC's "Today Show"

J Henry Fair is a fine friend and fabulous photographer who has graciously granted NRDC permission to use his photos of mountaintop removal coal mining.  He and his amazing work -- more like works of art, really -- were profiled this week on NBC's "Today Show."  

The focus of the coverage was on his ground-breaking, attention-grabbing, heart-breaking "Industrial Scars" series, which includes stunning photos of mountaintop removal.
It's well worth a few minutes of your time to check out the Today Show segment here.

You can also view a slide show of Henry's photos here, and more of his "Industrial Scars" series can be seen at http://www.industrialscars.com.

We, of course, are eternally grateful to Henry for his extraordinary work on mountaintop removal and for his generosity in allowing NRDC the exclusive use of his photos.  It's great that he received well-deserved national exposure on the "Today Show."