NRDC President Frances Beinecke Responds to Sen. Murkowski's Attempt to Undermine Public Health and Global Warming Solutions

WASHINGTON (January 21, 2010) – Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski introduced a resolution today rejecting science, overturning a Supreme Court decision, and blocking action under the Clean Air Act.

Below is a response from Natural Resources Defense Council President Frances Beinecke:

“The Murkowski Resolution would protect polluters at the expense of public health. It would sacrifice our environment to the interests of coal and oil companies. And it strikes at one of the most basic roles of government: ensuring the safety and welfare of its citizens. It is a bad idea that should be opposed.”

“For more than 40 years, the Clean Air Act has protected Americans everywhere. It's the best tool we have to curb the pollution that's causing the global warming already taking a toll across the country, from Alaska to Louisiana. Senators Murkowski, Landrieu, Lincoln and Nelson are proposing to throw away our best defense in a fight we can't afford to lose.”

“Other Senators are working on clean energy legislation that will put Americans back to work, reduce our reliance on foreign oil and create a healthier future for our country. Rather than tying our hands, Sen. 

Murkowski should be working with fellow Sens. Lindsey Graham, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman and dozens of others to deliver bipartisan solutions that will strengthen our economy and make our country more secure.”