Sally Jewell Confirmed As Department of the Interior Secretary

NRDC: “Her primary mission is clear: to conserve and safeguard America’s incomparable natural heritage.”

WASHINGTON (April 10, 2013) – The Senate today confirmed Sally Jewell as the next Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Following is a statement from Natural Resources Defense Council President Frances Beinecke:

Sally Jewell brings a strong business background and personal conservation ethic to the job as the nation's next Interior Secretary.

"Now her work begins. At the top of the list are critical issues such as safeguarding the Arctic Ocean from the dangers of offshore drilling; protecting America's public lands from destructive fossil fuel extraction practices; continuing to smartly develop renewable energy on public lands and protecting endangered species such as the gray wolf.

"Ultimately, her primary mission is clear: to conserve and safeguard America's incomparable natural heritage for future generations. We look forward to working with her to do just that."

For more details, please see Frances' blog here: