New Urban Housing Rules Could ‘Level the Playing Field’

WASHINGTON (July 8, 2015) – The new rules announced today by the Obama Administration requiring cities and towns to scrutinize their housing patterns for racial bias is an important and long-awaited step toward improving the lives of all Americans.

The following is a statement by Shelley Poticha, director of Urban Solutions at the Natural Resources Defense Council. She was formerly a senior advisor and director of the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

"For far too long, our challenge has been to dig deep into our racial and economic history and pinpoint the barriers that prevent some Americans from enjoying what many of us take for granted -- clean air and water, affordable housing, safe streets, good schools, healthy food and convenient and affordable access to jobs.

“The new rules are an important and long-awaited step toward improving the lives of millions of Americans. Housing policies have long been a driver of national living patterns, contributing to suburban sprawl and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

"These rules will help achieve a goal defined as important to our country more than a half-century ago. They have the potential to level the playing field in cities across America, giving struggling neighborhoods greater opportunities to thrive and prosper – while offering low-income Americans the chance to raise their families in neighborhoods where there are more choices for a brighter future.’’


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