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Viewing 1 - 20 of 63

Biden Administration Must Redo Its Assessment of Dakota Access Pipeline

Expert BlogNorth Dakota, South DakotaDr. Michele Bustamante, Amy Mall, Dr. Matthew McKinzie, Dr. Jennifer Sass, Dawn Woodard

The recent Draft Environmental Impact Statement ignores the threats to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s drinking water source and violates tribal treaty rights and sovereignty in a severe environmental injustice.

RGGI States Learning and Sharing On Climate and Equity

Expert BlogEast, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, VirginiaJackson Morris

A new report finds that the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative delivers on jobs, emissions reduction, and economic benefits—and provides a framework to address equity in the future.

Equitable Building Decarbonization Across the Country: 2022

Expert BlogCalifornia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, OregonCaroline Keicher, Joe O'Brien-Applegate
Policies and programs aimed at new construction and existing buildings continue to gain traction as communities and elected officials realize the feasibility and benefits of ambitious and equity-centered action.

Celebrating Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Food Matters Cohorts

Expert BlogBaltimore, Jersey City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C.Madeline Keating, Darby Hoover
This month, we mark the successful completion of our two-year partnerships with the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast cohorts. Our work with Great Lakes cities will continue in 2023.

Ian and Congressional Failure to Reform Flood Insurance

Expert BlogFloridaRob Moore

Hurricane Ian has cost the lives of at least 120 people as of this writing, displaced tens of thousands of people from their homes, and impacted over a million more people due to flooding, loss of power, water, or sewer…

Mutual Aid and Disaster Justice: “We Keep Us Safe”

ExplainerUnited States, Puerto Rico, Louisiana, Mississippi, FloridaNicole Greenfield
As climate-fueled disasters become more frequent—from Mississippi to Puerto Rico and beyond—relief efforts by communities, for communities, could become increasingly critical.

Heat Stress Is Killing Workers. States Can Protect Them.

ExplainerUnited States, California, Oregon, FloridaNicole Greenfield
As climate change continues to progress, workers don’t have years to wait for federal rules. So local advocates are helping states create their own.

Gibbstown LNG Terminal: A Catastrophe Waiting to Happen

DispatchGibbstown, New Jersey, PennsylvaniaNicole Greenfield
Imagine hundreds of trucks and train cars filled with highly explosive fuel coming through your community every day. These Pennsylvanians and New Jerseyans are fighting to extinguish the project—for good.

EPA: It’s Time to Act. We need Clean Trucks Now

Expert BlogUnited States, California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, WashingtonPatricio Portillo, Heather Kryczka
Cutting tailpipe emissions and moving to zero emission vehicles can eliminate the diesel fumes causing childhood asthma, emergency room visits, and loss of life.