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Viewing 1 - 20 of 25

Why Do Water Bills Vary So Wildly?

Expert BlogUnited States, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, New HampshireLarry Levine

A new study holds lessons for water affordability.

Organic Needs a Boost in the Farm Bill

Expert BlogUnited States, California, Iowa, Washington, D.C.Allison Johnson
Our public investments in organic food production have not kept pace with the organic sector’s growth – and that’s a missed opportunity for domestic economic development. The Opportunities in Organic Act would help U.S. farms meet consumer demand by reducing…

RGGI States Learning and Sharing On Climate and Equity

Expert BlogEast, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, VirginiaJackson Morris

A new report finds that the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative delivers on jobs, emissions reduction, and economic benefits—and provides a framework to address equity in the future.

EPA: It’s Time to Act. We need Clean Trucks Now

Expert BlogUnited States, California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, WashingtonPatricio Portillo, Heather Kryczka
Cutting tailpipe emissions and moving to zero emission vehicles can eliminate the diesel fumes causing childhood asthma, emergency room visits, and loss of life.

Clean Truck Rules Will Benefit Southern New England

Expert BlogMassachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode IslandKathy Harris, Patricio Portillo

The states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island stand to see $12.7 billion dollars in net societal benefits, improved health and air quality, and increased investments over the next 30 years through adoption of Clean Truck Programs in their states.

Celebrating Year One of the Food Matters Regional Initiative

Expert BlogChicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Madison, Ohio, Baltimore, Jersey City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, North Carolina, Memphis, OrlandoMadeline Keating, Darby Hoover

A year after the launch of the Food Matters Regional Initiative, we are pleased to report considerable progress and accomplishments from the 15 regional initiative participants.

Sharing the Road: Safer Streets Means Safe for Everyone

ExplainerUnited States, California, Missouri, Atlanta, San Jose (California), St. Louis, GeorgiaDan Reed
As they incorporate equity into transportation planning, a number of U.S. cities are making room for bicyclists, pedestrians, scooters, and wheelchairs in every part of town.

Every State Should Have a Right to a Healthy Environment

Expert BlogNorth Carolina, Pennsylvania, Montana, Massachusetts, CaliforniaCorinne Bell
A few states currently have a constitutional right to a healthy environment and several more are working to enshrine such rights.

A Fearless Defender for Our Future

NRDC in ActionBoston, Washington, D.C., United StatesJeff Turrentine
President and CEO Gina McCarthy started out as a public health agent in small-town Massachusetts, rose to become head of the EPA under Obama, and now guides NRDC into its next chapter.

Could These Country Roads Be Toxic to Kids?

DispatchIowaSusan Cosier
A county in eastern Iowa has been replacing gravel with slag, a steel industry byproduct. It’s hard, sharp, and potentially a public health concern.

Robby Astrove’s Vision for Atlanta Is Delicious

DispatchAtlantaRobynne Boyd
This visionary green thumb is bringing food justice, and heirloom fruit trees, to low-income communities in Atlanta where grocery stores are few and far between.

The South Needs the Clean Water Rule

DispatchSouth Carolina, GeorgiaRobynne Boyd
For drinking water, flood control, climate defense, habitat protection, fishing, swimming, and, of course, craft beer.