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Viewing 1 - 20 of 29

Why Do Water Bills Vary So Wildly?

Expert BlogUnited States, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, New HampshireLarry Levine

A new study holds lessons for water affordability.

Mutual Aid and Disaster Justice: “We Keep Us Safe”

ExplainerUnited States, Puerto Rico, Louisiana, Mississippi, FloridaNicole Greenfield
As climate-fueled disasters become more frequent—from Mississippi to Puerto Rico and beyond—relief efforts by communities, for communities, could become increasingly critical.

New Wisconsin Cover Crop Bill Helps Farmers Save Money

Expert BlogWisconsin, MidwestLara Bryant
Governor Evers signed into law a bill that advances water quality and authorizes a program that offers farmers $5 per acre savings on their crop insurance if they plant cover crops, a regenerative agriculture practice.

Madison Commits to Food Waste Reduction

Expert BlogWisconsin, MadisonMadeline Keating

A new resolution passed by the Madison, WI Common Council sets a food waste diversion goal of 50% from the landfill by 2030 and commits to establishing metrics for measuring and tracking progress.

Celebrating Year One of the Food Matters Regional Initiative

Expert BlogChicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Madison, Ohio, Baltimore, Jersey City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, North Carolina, Memphis, OrlandoMadeline Keating, Darby Hoover

A year after the launch of the Food Matters Regional Initiative, we are pleased to report considerable progress and accomplishments from the 15 regional initiative participants.

Sharing the Road: Safer Streets Means Safe for Everyone

ExplainerUnited States, California, Missouri, Atlanta, San Jose (California), St. Louis, GeorgiaDan Reed
As they incorporate equity into transportation planning, a number of U.S. cities are making room for bicyclists, pedestrians, scooters, and wheelchairs in every part of town.

Katrina, Climate, and Justice: A Future in Foreshadow?

PerspectivesNew Orleans, LouisianaZaria Howell
After Hurricane Laura hit Louisiana just days before the Katrina remembrance, photojournalism from 15 years ago reminds us that disaster preparation isn’t just about wind and water.

America’s Dairyland May Have a PFAS Problem

DispatchMidwest, Wisconsin, MaineSusan Cosier
The toxic chemicals have been showing up in milk around the country, prompting midwestern farmers to take a closer look at their land.

Robby Astrove’s Vision for Atlanta Is Delicious

DispatchAtlantaRobynne Boyd
This visionary green thumb is bringing food justice, and heirloom fruit trees, to low-income communities in Atlanta where grocery stores are few and far between.