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Driving Ambition, Action, and Equity at COP28: Part 1

Expert BlogWashington, D.C.Jake Schmidt, Brendan Guy, Joe Thwaites, Jennifer Skene
World leaders in Dubai sent a clear signal: the end of the fossil fuel era has begun, and the world is rapidly transitioning to a clean energy economy. This helps put the world on a firmer pathway in this decisive…

States Embrace the Transition to Clean Cars

Expert BlogCalifornia, Colorado, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, WashingtonKathy Harris
The federal government has made strides to help bolster the electric vehicle market, attract manufacturing, and ensure a robust charging network. But in many ways, states led the way.

Top Climate Elements in Senate Budget Reconciliation

Expert BlogUnited States, Washington, D.C.Derek Murrow, Amanda Levin
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will reduce greenhouse gas and other pollutants by giving people clean energy choices at low cost reduce household and business energy bills.

Why Congress Must Pass the Climate Bill

Expert BlogUnited States, Washington, D.C.Manish Bapna

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is the strongest congressional climate action yet—in the moment we need it most.

Gearing Up for an Even Bigger Climate Fight in New York

Expert BlogNew YorkMarisa Guerrero, Rich Schrader

NRDC is preparing for the New York State legislative session in 2023, where we'll fight hard alongside our allies and partners for important bills that will protect our state and our planet from the worst effects of climate change.

Environmental Wins Abound in NY’s 2022 Legislative Session

Expert BlogNew YorkMarisa Guerrero, Rich Schrader

Read our recap of the environmental wins that passed in New York State's 2022 legislative session. With the tools to prevent climate catastrophe being dismantled at the federal level, this kind of bold action at the state level is more…

What Is Congestion Pricing?

ExplainerUnited States, New York City
Fees charged for driving on busy city roads reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality while also generating sorely needed funding for the transit systems that many people rely on for their daily commutes.

No Need to be Freightened of Electric Trucks

Expert BlogUnited States, California, Oregon, Massachusetts, Washington, New JerseyJordan Brinn, Patricio Portillo
We clarify the questions about electric truck availability, cost, and charging infrastructure, as well as concerns such as current supply chain issues.

EPA: It’s Time to Act. We need Clean Trucks Now

Expert BlogUnited States, California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, WashingtonPatricio Portillo, Heather Kryczka
Cutting tailpipe emissions and moving to zero emission vehicles can eliminate the diesel fumes causing childhood asthma, emergency room visits, and loss of life.

Clean Truck Rules Will Benefit Southern New England

Expert BlogMassachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode IslandKathy Harris, Patricio Portillo

The states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island stand to see $12.7 billion dollars in net societal benefits, improved health and air quality, and increased investments over the next 30 years through adoption of Clean Truck Programs in their states.

New York Must Act on Clean Trucks

Expert BlogNew YorkKathy Harris, Patricio Portillo

The future of clean, zero-emission trucks is now in the hands of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. Following a robust comment period, the State must decide whether to move forward with the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule. 

Transportation Policies for NY to Achieve Its Climate Goals

Expert BlogNew YorkKathy Harris
If New York is to succeed in reaching its ambitious climate goals, it will need specific and bold transportation-focused goals and policies—while also considering long-term, sustainable ways to fund them. The comprehensive package of goals and policy recommendations can be…