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Viewing 1 - 20 of 204

Keeping LNG Off the Rails in Gibbstown and Across America

Expert BlogNew Jersey, Pennsylvania, United StatesSahana Rao
Advocates and regulators have significantly slowed development of the Gibbstown LNG Export Project, which would be the first of its kind to rely on long-distance LNG shipment by rail. But as developers affirmed in recent statements to the Federal Energy…

A New Pathway to a Western Grid

Expert BlogWest, Colorado, Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Utah, WyomingKelsie Gomanie

Pathways Initiative approves two-step approach to create independent governance for a west-wide electricity market.

Congress Responds to the Biden Administration’s Commonsense LNG Decision

Expert BlogUnited States, International, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, TexasAlexandra Adams

Not long after the administration’s pause on permits, the fossil fuel industry—and its supporters in Congress—pulled out all the stops to oppose the decision and spread misinformation. 

Why Do Water Bills Vary So Wildly?

Expert BlogUnited States, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, New HampshireLarry Levine

A new study holds lessons for water affordability.

Risky Realities—Recognizing the Harms of Global LNG Expansion

Expert BlogInternational, United States, Africa, MexicoJamie Lee, Mima Holt

Liquefied natural gas should be phased out in tandem with other fossil fuels, paving the way for renewable energy to meet international climate and sustainable development goals.

Farm-to-Glass Supports Organic Farming

Expert BlogWashington, D.C., Ohio, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Michigan, Maine, CaliforniaAllison Johnson

Cheers! NRDC and our partners toasted a good cause on Capitol Hill: growing organic!

Biden Administration Must Redo Its Assessment of Dakota Access Pipeline

Expert BlogNorth Dakota, South DakotaDr. Michele Bustamante, Amy Mall, Dr. Matthew McKinzie, Dr. Jennifer Sass, Dawn Woodard

The recent Draft Environmental Impact Statement ignores the threats to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s drinking water source and violates tribal treaty rights and sovereignty in a severe environmental injustice.

U.S. DOT Finally Suspends LNG-by-Rail Rule!

Expert BlogNew Jersey, Pennsylvania, United StatesSahana Rao

The federal government has finalized a long-awaited suspension of the regulation that previously permitted LNG transport by rail across the country.

DOE Shrugs as U.S. Natural Gas Exports Surge

Expert BlogLouisiana, Texas, Florida, Alaska, New Jersey, PennsylvaniaGillian Giannetti, Morgan Johnson

A decade-long expansion of U.S. liquefied natural gas export terminals has transformed American energy policy.

RGGI States Learning and Sharing On Climate and Equity

Expert BlogEast, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, VirginiaJackson Morris

A new report finds that the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative delivers on jobs, emissions reduction, and economic benefits—and provides a framework to address equity in the future.

Greater Energy Equity Ahead, in both Maryland and Virginia

Expert BlogVirginia, Maryland, Richmond (Virginia)Walton Shepherd, Lucy LaFlamme, Dawone Robinson

New state laws in MD and VA will lower spiking electric bills for those least able to afford them, through better-designed home energy efficiency improvements.