NRDC President Beinecke: Sandy-Impacted Senators Send Powerful Message to President to Get Moving on Climate Change

WASHINGTON (June 13, 2013) – Senators from states that suffered major damage from Hurricane Sandy sent a letter with a forceful message to President Obama today calling on him to follow up on his promise to take bold action now against climate change.

Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, made these comments about letter from Democratic Senators Robert Menendez of New Jersey; Chuck Schumer and Kirstin Gillibrand of New York; and Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut:

“This is a powerful message from senators whose constituents have felt staggering blows from climate change. They are right: The country can’t wait any longer for President Obama to restrict dangerous carbon pollution pouring out of the nation’s power plants and supercharging extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy.”

To read the senators’ letter, please click here:

The senators’ call for action comes just a day after actor and conservationist Robert Redford delivered a similar challenge to the president in a TV and online ad campaign. Their voices join those of millions of Americans who sent a record 3.2 million comments in support of carbon pollution limits to the administration last year.  To watch Redford’s TV ad, please click here:

For more about the ad and the campaign Redford and NRDC have launched please read Beinecke’s new blog: