
Viewing 16 - 30 of 34

Nurses Wanted in a City Long Plagued by Coal Plant Pollution

DispatchPeoriaMaudlyne Ihejirika
Through efforts to train a more diverse pool of nurses and create family-sustaining careers, workforce leaders in Peoria, Illinois, are jump-starting their economy and addressing the inequities of the past.

Fossil Fuel Air Pollution Kills One in Five People

Latest NewsInternationalClara Chaisson
The global toll of premature deaths attributed to the burning of coal, gasoline, and diesel is breathtakingly high, with new research doubling previous estimates.

An Ally in the Fight for Safe, Affordable Drinking Water for All

NRDC in ActionDetroit, Illinois, Flint, Chicago, MichiganNicole Greenfield
Detroit native Jeremy Orr combines his personal experience and community organizing roots with his legal expertise to help communities of color in Michigan and Illinois dismantle environmental racism.

Beach Pollution 101

GuideUnited States, InternationalShelia Hu

Litter, sewage, plastic, and other pollutants do more than just ruin the beauty of the beach. They are closing down coastal areas, destroying marine life, and making people seriously sick.

24 Green Projects to Tackle Now

How-ToUnited StatesCourtney Lindwall

Commune with nature, get productive in the kitchen, occupy cooped-up kids, or connect with other environmentalists—all while staying home.

Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms 101

GuideUnited StatesMelissa Denchak, Melanie Sturm

Ugly, foul-smelling and sometimes toxic, algal blooms are becoming more common in freshwater ecosystems like rivers, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. Here’s a look at how excess algae can impact the environment—and human health.

A Legacy of Activism

PerspectivesUnited States
Commemorating World Pride, NRDC staff reflect on the LGBTQ+ community’s contributions to the fight for people and planet.

Making Art and Environmental Activism One and the Same

NRDC in ActionNew York, Illinois, ChicagoNicole Greenfield
Director of art partnerships Elizabeth Corr is the visionary behind NRDC’s artist-in-residence program, its museum collaborations, and its mission to fuse art and advocacy.

Green Your School

How-ToUnited StatesCorey Binns

Eight ways to help your district’s students and parents be better environmental citizens.