BLM is poised to do the right thing in Colorado's Vermillion Basin


Photo credit: © Sam Cox,

Vermillion Basin is a wild, undisturbed landscape in the northwest corner of Colorado, managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management on behalf of its owners -- the American people. Vermillion Basin provides habitat for some of North America's largest herds of elk and mule deer, as well as raptors and pronghorn antelope. In addition, it is home to spectacular petroglyphs.

Over two million acres of land surrounding the basin are already available for oil and gas drilling. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) made the right decision earlier this year to keep Vermillion Basin off limits to oil and gas development. Unfortunately, oil and gas companies want to overturn the protections announced by the BLM. You can tell the BLM that you support its decision to preserve these wildlands by clicking on the link to our BioGems website.