November 6: Stand Up to Keystone XL Pipeline and Unite for Clean Energy

On November 6, NRDC Founding Director John Adams will be leading a group of NRDC staff, members, and activists to the White House to urge President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

They will be joining Bill McKibben and thousands of concerned citizens who know that locking America into decades of dirty tar sands oil will hasten climate change, destroy boreal forest, and threaten communities with pipeline eruptions.

We don’t have to go down this dangerous path. More fuel efficient cars and sustainably grown biofuels can keep America moving without the hazards of tar sands oil.

We know oil companies are lobbying hard for this pipeline, digging into deep pockets to protect their interests. This is our chance to speak for the public interest. We can combat the influence of polluters by gathering together, raising our voices, and letting the administration see our opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Earlier this fall, McKibben led a two-week-long demonstration against Keystone XL outside the White House. It was peaceful, dignified, and extremely inspiring. After farmers, ranchers, and business owners from along the proposed route joined the effort and more than 1,200 participants were arrested, the Obama Administration definitely seemed to take notice.

While the rally on November 6 will not include civil disobedience, we expect that having thousands of participants circling the people’s house will garner their attention as well

 We are calling on citizens to come together and encircle the White House. We believe this action offers a vivid illustration of where we stand: opposed to the pipeline and united for clean energy.

We hope you will join the November 6 event. It is an entirely legal action, so bring your friends and family members. You can sign up by clicking here. If you can’t make it, you can send a message President Obama by going to