We Must Fight Trump's Decision on Paris Agreement

After Trump made a reckless decision yesterday to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement I was privileged to join an impromptu rally outside the White House to let President Trump know that the American public strongly disagree with his decision.
Credit: Bobby Bruderle

After Trump made a reckless decision yesterday to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement I was privileged to join an impromptu rally outside the White House to let President Trump know that the American public strongly disagree with his decision. There was a large and diverse crowd standing in front of the White House in response to this decision. Here is what I told the crowd (although I said it slightly differently in the moment).

I went home after a long day work. I was working with a broad coalition to try to see if we could make one last push to stop Trump from pulling out of the Paris Agreement.

I was tucking my kids into bed and I almost cried.

I thought about all the effort that had gone into getting the Paris Agreement adopted and operational. Leaving Paris we knew it wasn’t going to "solve" climate change, but we all left in the belief that we had given our children a fighting chance to live in a place not devastated by climate change.

So when I tucked my kids into bed that night I thought: “how could one man take away the chance for my children, for your children, and for children around the world to live in a place that won't be devastated by climate change.”

So I woke up today with the conviction that WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT THIS!!!

We are going to mobilize. We are going to get other countries to lead. We are going to make sure that our cities, states, and companies are acting even more aggressively. And we are going to make sure that Trump doesn’t destroy the future for our kids and grandchildren.

I want to look my kids in the eye in 10 years and tell them that we did everything we could to ensure that America and the world are on the kind of low-carbon trajectory we need to address climate change.