Getting the House to Get Biofuels Right

I'm posting four fact sheets here that NRDC and an informal coalition of environmental groups have started circulating in the US House of Representatives on how to do a renewable fuel standard in an environmentally responsible way.  In addition to NRDC, the coalition includes Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, Friends of the Earth, Environmental Working Group, National Audubon Society, National Environmental Trust, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. 

In the face of the cautionary tone of these documents, it's easy to loose sight of the fact that all of these groups agree that biofuels can be done right at a scale that matters in the fight against global warming and that we should pursue biofuels as long as we do it in the right way. That said, these fact sheets do a good job explaining why it's so important that we not just continue with our current "more gallons is better" approach to biofuels.

Community Fact Sheet 06-26-07
Friends of the Earth fact sheet on biofuels imports
Defenders of Wildlife fact sheet on biofuels and wildlife impacts
Environmental Working Group fact sheet on a responsible RFS

And to fully understand NRDC's perspective on what it takes to get biofuels right, I highly recommend our fact sheet by that very title, which you can download here.

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