2008 – Summer of No Love for Global Warming Deniers?

It’s been a tough couple of months for the coal industry’s campaign to minimize concerns about global warming and hawk “clean coal.”

Reports out of Denver indicate that the $2 million the industry – including the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity --  is spending to press the flesh at the Democratic and Republican conventions is “falling flat”.

But perhaps nothing has been a bigger flop this summer than the energy-industry financed  “Americans For Prosperity (AFP) nationwide balloon tour to “expose” global warming and constructive climate solutions.   

Boosters like to boast about how the AFP balloon tour hit 32 cities in 20 states this summer.  But the reality is that if this had been a stadium-rock tour, it would have  been cancelled for lack of interest … even before it got started.

Consider this comedy of errors:

With the impacts of global warming becoming more plainly visible every day, it looks like Americans are pretty cool to the message of AFP and other Flat Earthers.