Why Are American Companies Leaving the Chamber Ad Campaign

To draw attention to our new website http://www.whodoesthechamberrepresent.org/, the Natural Resources Defense Council and Environmental Defense Action Fund are launching a targeted online ad campaign.

The ads ask, "Why Are American Companies Leaving the Chamber?" and direct people to the new Web site. Here's what they look like:

Learn more at WhoDoestheChamberRepresent.org?

Running tab of the Chamber's climate credibility crisis:

Quit US Chamber over climate:  Apple, Exelon, PNM Resources, PG&E, PSEG, Levi Strauss & Co.*

Quit US Chamber Board over climate: Nike.

Say Chamber doesn't represent their views on climate: Johnson&Johnson, General Electric, San Jose Chamber of Commerce, Alcoa, Duke, Entergy, Microsoft.

* UPDATE 11/12/09: Levi-Strauss informed us that the company did not leave the US Chamber over climate concerns, as Greenwire had reported.