This Earth Day, Join Pierce Brosnan and Save a Gray Whale Nursery

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Laguna San Ignacio.  It’s a magical place off of Baja California, Mexico where every year hundreds of gray whales swim thousands of miles from their Arctic feeding grounds to mate, give birth, and nurse their calves. 

I was lucky enough to visit the lagoon a couple of months ago. The experience was almost indescribable: I watched hundreds of gray whales spyhopping and breaching across the lagoon and heard the puff of their exhalation as they surfaced to breathe. Even more amazing, I had the life-altering experience of looking a gray whale in the eye as she curiously approached my outstretched hand.

You can experience the magic for yourself by watching our brand-new Earth Day video about this special birthing ground, narrated by Pierce Brosnan:

This is truly an extraordinary place that NRDC has been working to preserve for years.  Starting in 1995, we led a successful campaign to stop Mitsubishi and the Mexican government from building a colossal salt works factory in Laguna San Ignacio.

Since then, NRDC has been working with local communities and other environmental groups to secure permanent protection for the lagoon and surrounding lands.

This Earth Day, you can help protect this special lagoon. Click here to help NRDC preserve the whale sanctuary by putting 500,000 acres around the lagoon off-limits to industrial development. Please help us protect these magnificent creatures and their habitat – forever.