If You Don't Like Air Pollution, You Better Call Your Senator...Now

Later this morning, the US Senate is expected to take up several proposals that would allow big corporations to pollute the air we breathe, cause millions of illnesses, and endanger lives.

We need your help to urge your Senators to standup for our health instead of big polluters. Please call or write your Senators now to urge them to standup for public health and against polluters by voting against dirty air legislation.

There are two easy ways to make your voice heard:

Here is some more information about the proposals we expect to see today:

  • McConnell Amendment: Would allow unlimited carbon pollution and increase our dependence on foreign oil. Learn more.
  • Rockefeller Amendment:  Would allow unlimited carbon pollution from big polluters for at least two years, setting the stage for permanently allowing unlimited pollution from these sources. Learn more.
  • Stabenow Amendment: Would let polluters off the hook by blocking enforcement of carbon pollution safeguards for two years, and would also stop innovation in developing new clean car standards by permanently removing the historic right of states to do better than the federal standard; and allow Enron-style accounting of emissions from activities like forest clear-cutting. (UPDATE: the unofficial word from several sources late this morning is that Senator Stabenow is removing the language that would block innovative clean car standards.) Learn more.
  • Baucus Amendment: Would allow large emission sources to be built or modified with no requirement to limit their carbon pollution, and allow Enron-style accounting of emissions from activities like forest clear-cutting. Learn more.

Thanks, and please weigh in. Our clean air and our health are at stake.