Upton's constituents oppose anti-EPA legislation

Several media outlets covered the poll we released yesterday.

Politico Pro (subscrip' required) covered it thusly:

Poll: Upton's constituents oppose anti-EPA legislation

"Sixty-two percent of Fred Upton’s constituents oppose the House Energy and Commerce chairman’s attempt to thwart EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gases and other pollutants..."

And the National Journal reports


"Sixty-two percent of House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton's Michigan constituents oppose his bill to handcuff EPA's climate rules..."

And E&E News did a great in-depth story on the polling:

"Environmentalists today released polls that found a majority of independent voters in the swing districts of nine House Energy and Commerce Committee members oppose legislation that would halt U.S. EPA action on greenhouse gas emissions."

And goes on to discuss poll results by party (all of which is available through my initial blog on this), including this great comment by Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling which conducted the research for us:

"...For newly elected lawmakers such as Gardner and Kinzinger, Jensen added, alienating independents is "something they have to be very careful about if they want to be around for more than one term."

And The Hill zeroed in on the questions showing that the public puts a priority on protecting our health:

"When presented with arguments by the manufacturing industry that EPA climate regulations threaten American jobs as well as arguments that efforts to block EPA climate rules would harm public health, the majority of those polled said they oppose legislation by Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and others to take away the agency’s climate authority."

We think that the results of the polling in Upton's district, along with the results of the polling we did after Newt Gingrich called for abolishing the EPA, confirms the very clear message that Americans think Congress should let EPA do its job of updating Clean Air Act safeguards to protect public health. And we'll keep reminding members of that.