Solar is Ready for Prime Time in New York

What's the wait?  New York needs to take the next step to invest in solar. Policies such as the New York State renewable portfolio standard (RPS) have done a lot to bring new renewables like wind and biomass into the state's clean energy economy, but they have fallen short in valuing localized economic, jobs and air quality improvement benefits that solar can bring to communities and utility consumers throughout the state.  Two distinguished leaders within our New York Solar Jobs Act coalition, Jackson Morris of the Pace Energy and Climate Center and Adam Browning of the Vote Solar Initiative tell us in "prime time" on CUNY TV's Brian Lehrer show why solar is a great investment for New York and why the New York market needs certainty, longevity and scale if the state is to become a true solar leader. The solar segment is part of Brian Lehrer's "Planet White House" segment that begins at  minute 21 and goes through minute 43.

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