Update: New York Solar Jobs Act ... Vote Deferred to Next Year

Summer is now in full swing and New York lawmakers are planning to close the 2011 legislative session before the weekend.  They did not move the New York Solar Jobs Act.  Needless to say we are disappointed that state lawmakers have decided not to move strong solar policy forward this session - a move that sets New York back an additional year toward realizing its full solar potential, forgoing federal funding, economic development and new job opportunities as neighboring states continue to charge ahead. 

However, NY legislators' attention to solar over the course of the 2011 session as well as the ultimate inclusion of a solar study provision in Energy Program Bill #21 indicate real interest on the part of lawmakers in advancing New York's solar economy. The bi-partisan bill received support from more than 65 sponsors and co-sponsors in the Assembly and Senate.

Beyond Albany, solar is clearly still an energy priority among businesses, public health groups, environmental advocates and citizens from upstate and down.

For all of these reasons, we remain optimistic about the prospects of New York passing strong solar legislation - and we remain committed to supporting its speedy passage so that New Yorkers can begin to reap the many economic and environmental benefits of a strong solar market sooner rather than later.