COAL COUNTRY: The Must-See Movie of the Summer

I'm looking forward to attending the world premier of Coal Country in Charleston, West Virginia this weekend.  This documentary -- by the directors of the award-winning PBS series Appalachia -- captures the struggle of miners and activists in the battle over the world's worst coal mining: mountaintop removal.  The film centers on the increasingly heated debate between coalfield residents haunted by health problems and other hardships caused by the destruction and coal company officials concerned over local jobs and the economy. 

Coal Country takes a dramatic look at modern coal mining.  It follows families historically tethered by a deep love for the land but torn apart by promises of "cheap energy" and "clean coal."  Ultimately, the movie implores us to question the true cost of energy while considering our alternatives for a sustainable future. 

In his excellent and in-depth review of this powerful film, Jeff Biggers calls Coal Country the movie the coal lobby does not want you to see

NRDC is proud to have worked with the film-makers on this movie and we're delighted that our very own policy expert Patrice Simms makes a cameo appearance.

If you happen to be in Charleston this Saturday, July 11th, do yourself a favor and come to the LaBelle Theater (311 D St at the South Charleston Museum) at 7:00 pm for the show.  Note the time and venue change below:

8:00 PM


Capitol Complex, Charleston

1900 Kanawha Blvd. for directions

This event is open to the pubic and free of charge (seating is limited).

Learn more about the movie at:  Here is the trailer: