Wesley Warren Becomes Director of Programs for National Conservation Group

WASHINGTON (July 12, 2005) -- Wesley P. Warren has been named director of programs at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Mr. Warren came to NRDC four years ago from the White House, where he was associate director for natural resources, energy and science in the Office of Management and Budget. During his 7-year tenure in the White House, Mr. Warren also served as the chief-of-staff for the Council on Environmental Quality and the executive director of the White House Task Force on Livable Communities established by Vice President Al Gore.

"Wesley is one of Washington's great forces for health and environmental protection. He knows the policy, he knows the politics, and he knows how to get the job done without the partisan bickering," said Frances Beinecke, NRDC's executive director. "He is a tremendous asset to our organization, and the issues that we stand for."

A recognized expert on environmental programs, risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis, Mr. Warren began at NRDC as a senior fellow for environmental economics. Last year he became the deputy director of NRDC's Advocacy Center, helping to manage the organization's work on high-profile campaigns.

On July 15, Mr. Warren becomes director of programs, where his primary responsibilities will include strategic direction, institutional oversight and coordination of the group's program areas: health, air & energy, water & oceans, global warming, public lands, nuclear, international, and cities.

"I've spent a lot of years in Washington doing my part to help ensure a clean and healthy environment for all Americans. There's no place I'd rather be fighting that good fight than right here, with the top scientific, legal and policy experts in the environmental movement," said Mr. Warren. "At NRDC I'm in good company and the environment is in good hands."

A native of High Point, Warren received a B.A. and double honors in Economics and History from Wake Forest University in 1976.