EPA Must Follow the Science: Ozone Levels Undermine Health, Says NRDC

WASHINGTON (December 8, 2010) --- The Environmental Protection Agency will delay a decision over whether to reduce ozone limits in the air Americans breathe, pending additional scientific analysis and review, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said today.  The Natural Resources Defense Council’s Executive Director Peter Lehner issued the following statement in response:

“This delay will sicken many Americans. Ozone pollution aggravates wheezing and coughing caused by asthma and other respiratory ills. It sends children and seniors to the hospital.

“We are confident, however, that additional scientific analysis will support the need for a fully protective standard. We must let EPA follow the science and not let polluters convince Congress to weaken the safeguards we need.

“The EPA must set the bar where it belongs. We'll all breathe easier once that's done.”