Strong Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Standards Will Cut Carbon Pollution, Reduce Oil Addiction

NRDC: “New Standards Demonstrate the President's Commitment to a Clean Energy Future”

WASHINGTON (Nov. 16, 2011) – By formally proposing the 54.5 miles-per-gallon carbon pollution and fuel efficiency standards for cars and lights trucks by 2025, President Obama today put the country squarely on a path toward a cleaner energy future, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

The following is a statement from NRDC President Frances Beinecke on the announcement from the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation:

“These standards are just what consumers want and the country needs. They also demonstrate the president's strong commitment to a clean energy future.  By delaying a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline, and moving toward curbing carbon dioxide pollution from new power plants, the president’s initiatives will help wean America from its oil addiction and begin to slow, stop and reverse climate change, and protect our health.

"In the coming months, NRDC will ensure that special interests do not undermine America’s bid to build the cars of the 21st century. We will continue to support President Obama and to champion the clean car standards.”

To read more about the new standards see Frances's blog post here:

Blog posts from Transportation Program Director Roland Hwang and Climate and Clean Air Program Policy Director David Doniger also discuss today's announcement.