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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9

Groups Urge NM State Board to Continue Clean Car Standards

Press ReleaseNew Mexico
The New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) should vote this week to reject a challenge to newly enacted clean car standards, which will bring more electric vehicles to the state and deliver substantial benefits directly to New Mexicans. These benefits…

Regulators Move to Reject Proposed LNG Storage Facility in Albuquerque

Press ReleaseNew Mexico
A top hearing examiner today recommended that the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission reject a proposal to build a liquefied natural gas storage facility in northwest Albuquerque on grounds that it is not needed, provides no public benefit, and has…

Judge Approves Multi-Million Dollar Clean-Up for Penobscot River

Press ReleaseMaine
BANGOR, ME — Today, a Federal District Court in Maine approved a settlement that requires Mallinckrodt US LLC to pay for mercury remediation in the Penobscot River Estuary, concluding a more than two decade long legal fight led by Maine…

NRDC Analysis: Georgia to See 3,000+ Jobs from Build Back Better Act

Press ReleaseGeorgia
ATLANTA, GA  — A new NRDC analysis shows that the Build Back Better Act, as it currently stands, has the potential to significantly accelerate clean energy investment, economic activity, and job growth in Georgia. The Senate’s passage of the Build…

NRDC Analysis: Maine to See 3,600+ New Jobs from Build Back Better Act

Press ReleaseMaine
AUGUSTA, ME  — A new NRDC analysis shows that the Build Back Better Act, as it currently stands, has the potential to significantly accelerate clean energy investment, economic activity, and job growth in Maine. The Senate’s passage of the Build…

Groups File Proposed Settlement in Penobscot River Mercury Clean-Up Case

Press ReleaseMaine
BANGOR, Maine – The Maine People’s Alliance (MPA), NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and Mallinckrodt US LLC today filed a proposed consent decree to settle more than two decades of litigation over mercury contamination in the Penobscot River estuary. If…