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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 81 - 98 of 98

Good-bye Polystyrene Tray. Hello Compostable Plate.

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (May 20, 2015) – The Urban School Food Alliance (Alliance), a coalition of the largest school districts in the United States that includes New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami-Dade, Dallas and Orlando, announced that it will start…

Cuomo Administration Takes Next Step in Making Fracking Ban Official

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK, NY (May 13, 2015)—Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Department of Environmental Conservation today took the next step toward making the state’s fracking ban official, releasing its final environmental impact review of the proposed heavy industrial activity in New York.

NRDC Statement on Mayor de Blasio’s First Sustainability Plan

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (April 22, 2015) – Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration today released its first-ever sustainability plan for New York City, One New York: The Plan for A Strong and Just City (OneNYC). The plan builds and expands on former…

McDonald’s to Have Chicken Raised Virtually Antibiotic-Free

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (March 4, 2015) – McDonald’s – the world’s largest fast food chain – today announced that it is committing to serving chicken raised without antibiotics used in human medicine in all of their U.S. restaurants within two years…

New Study: Rapid Ocean Acidification Threatens Coastal Economies in 15 States

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (February 23, 2015) – The first nationwide vulnerability assessment for ocean acidification, published today in Nature Climate Change, shows that coastal communities in 15 states that depend on the nation’s approximately $1 billion shelled mollusk (e.g., oysters and…

NEW POLL: 8 in 10 New Yorkers Support State’s Fracking Moratorium

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (October 7, 2014) – A new statewide poll of New Yorkers found that nearly eight in 10 support the state’s moratorium on fracking, amidst widespread concern over the safety of the practice. At the same time, the overwhelming…

NRDC President: World Leaders Must Commit to Climate Solutions

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (September 23, 2014) – Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, issued the following statement as world leaders gather today for a special United Nations Climate Summit, two days after more than 310,000 people marched in…

NRDC, BlackRock and FTSE Jumpstart Mainstream Climate-Conscious Investing

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (April 29, 2014) – The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), BlackRock and FTSE Group, the global index provider, partnered today in launching a groundbreaking equity global index series that will exclude companies linked to exploration, ownership or extraction…