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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 1 - 20 of 117

NC Real Estate Commission to Disclose Flood History to Buyers

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
The North Carolina Real Estate Commission finalized the rule to require sellers to provide potential home buyers with information about flood history and risk before they buy a home, and it will go into effect July 1, 2024.

Regulators Move to Reject Proposed LNG Storage Facility in Albuquerque

Press ReleaseNew Mexico
A top hearing examiner today recommended that the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission reject a proposal to build a liquefied natural gas storage facility in northwest Albuquerque on grounds that it is not needed, provides no public benefit, and has…

Report: California Legislation Can Cut Carbon From Building Materials

Press ReleaseSan Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO – The carbon emissions associated with materials used in the built environment, referred to as “embodied carbon,” are estimated to contribute up to 11% of all global energy-related carbon emissions.1 According to a new report from sustainable development…

Governor Newsom and CA Legislature Agree on Path to Clean, Reliable Energy

Press ReleaseSacramento
Governor Gavin Newsom and the California state legislature have announced an agreement to protect the reliability of California's energy grid amid the state's transition to clean energy. The bill centers the procurement of clean electricity, expedition of electric infrastructure projects, strengthening…

North Carolina Real Estate Commission Petitioned to Disclose Flood History

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
CHAPEL HILL, NC —The Southern Environmental Law Center today petitioned the North Carolina Real Estate Commission to require sellers to disclose to potential buyers information about past flood damages on behalf of NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), North Carolina Justice Center…

Community Solar Bill Clears First Legislative Hurdle

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – A bill to increase access to renewable energy for more Californians, such as through community solar with storage, passed through the Assembly Utilities and Energy committee today. If passed, the bill will provide clean energy access and bill…

Governor Newsom Proposes FY 2022-23 Budget Prioritizing Climate Resilience

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – Governor Newsom announced the administration’s proposed budget today, highlighting an ongoing public health and science-based response to the coronavirus pandemic, support for children, families, schools and vulnerable communities, and investments to improve our state’s resiliency in the face…

Gas Industry Backed HB 220 Takes Rights Away from NC Communities

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
Today the North Carolina General Assembly has passed HB220, which, if signed by Governor Cooper, will take away the rights of counties and cities to pass performance standards that cut carbon emissions from new buildings by using electrification.