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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 1 - 20 of 95

Regulators Move to Reject Proposed LNG Storage Facility in Albuquerque

Press ReleaseNew Mexico
A top hearing examiner today recommended that the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission reject a proposal to build a liquefied natural gas storage facility in northwest Albuquerque on grounds that it is not needed, provides no public benefit, and has…

Governor Newsom and CA Legislature Agree on Path to Clean, Reliable Energy

Press ReleaseSacramento
Governor Gavin Newsom and the California state legislature have announced an agreement to protect the reliability of California's energy grid amid the state's transition to clean energy. The bill centers the procurement of clean electricity, expedition of electric infrastructure projects, strengthening…

Governor Newsom Proposes FY 2022-23 Budget Prioritizing Climate Resilience

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – Governor Newsom announced the administration’s proposed budget today, highlighting an ongoing public health and science-based response to the coronavirus pandemic, support for children, families, schools and vulnerable communities, and investments to improve our state’s resiliency in the face…

COP26: U.S. & China Pledge Climate Action this Decisive Decade

Press ReleaseChina, United States
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – The United States and China announced plans today at global climate talks in Glasgow to work together this decade on controlling climate pollution, reducing deforestation and advancing clean energy to address the climate crisis.

COP15: China Announces Steps to Help Address the Biodiversity and Climate Crises

Press ReleaseChina
WASHINGTON – During global biodiversity talks at COP15 in Kunming, China, on Monday, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a new international fund to support biodiversity protection in developing countries, and stronger protections within China’s national park system, which provides habitat…

Governor Newsom Proposes California Comeback Plan

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom proposed his $100 billion California Comeback Plan today – the biggest economic recovery package in California history. Among other priorities, the proposal allocates financial resources to help consumers struggling with utility debt and address the…

Governor Newsom Declares Drought Emergency in Two California Counties

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – California Governor Gavin Newsom today proclaimed a State of Emergency in Sonoma and Mendocino counties as California and much of the West face drought and near-drought conditions that threaten the economy, public health, and ecosystems. The declaration allows…

Conservancy Sues Tejon Ranch Company to Enforce Conservation Agreement

Press ReleaseCalifornia
LOS ANGELES – The Tejon Ranch Conservancy (Conservancy) today joined a coalition lawsuit against the Tejon Ranch Company (Company), asking a Kern County Superior Court to find the company in breach of the landmark 2008 Tejon Ranch Conservation and Land…