Media Center

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California advocacy and California climate change policy, natural climate solutions

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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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International issues, green finance, climate adaptation, LNG, air policy

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Water, Canada, toxics

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Lands, oceans, wildlife

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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 261 - 278 of 278

NRDC honors Senator Barbara Boxer as a Force for Nature

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO (May 15, 2015) – The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) will honor Senator Barbara Boxer tomorrow for her lifetime of trailblazing environmental achievements at the 15th “Forces for Nature” benefit. Her work will be celebrated at the Four…

Plug-in Equipment Energy Efficiency Bill Advances in California Legislature

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO (April 28, 2015) – Legislation to help curb energy waste from the 50-plus plugged-in appliances, electronics, and miscellaneous electrical devices in the average California household, such as video equipment and kitchen appliances, as well as similar power-guzzling equipment in…

NRDC Statement on Mayor de Blasio’s First Sustainability Plan

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (April 22, 2015) – Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration today released its first-ever sustainability plan for New York City, One New York: The Plan for A Strong and Just City (OneNYC). The plan builds and expands on former…

Five Years After the BP Disaster, We’re Still Not Safe

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (April 16, 2015) – Next Monday, April 20, marks five years since the catastrophic BP blowout in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers and dumped millions of barrels of crude oil into the sea. Five years…

Court Rules Navy War Games Violate Law Protecting Whales and Dolphins

Press ReleaseCalifornia
LOS ANGELES (March 31, 2015) —A federal court today announced that the U.S. Navy’s training and testing activities off the coast of Southern California and Hawaii illegally harm more than 60 whale, dolphin, seal, and sea lion populations. The U.S…

New Study: Rapid Ocean Acidification Threatens Coastal Economies in 15 States

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (February 23, 2015) – The first nationwide vulnerability assessment for ocean acidification, published today in Nature Climate Change, shows that coastal communities in 15 states that depend on the nation’s approximately $1 billion shelled mollusk (e.g., oysters and…

Atlantic Ocean Council Fails to Protect East Coast Coral Canyons

Press ReleaseNew York
NEW YORK (February 11, 2015) — The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council today postponed a vote on a protection plan for rare, ecologically-important and highly vulnerable deep sea coral communities off the region’s coast. The Council manages U.S. fisheries resources in…

Industry Urges Ships to Shush in order to Protect World’s Whales

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO (April 3, 2014) — After five years of intensive coalition work, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) today released voluntary guidelines intended to reduce underwater noise from commercial ships globally. Ocean noise has been a growing problem for the…