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Midwestern regional issues

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Energy efficiency and decarbonization, buildings, food and agriculture

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Power sector, transportation and vehicles, renewable energy, nuclear power

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+86 10 5927 0688
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Western regional issues

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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 1 - 20 of 38

Groups Welcome New Denver Mayor

Press ReleaseDenver
Environmental, racial justice and health organizations today welcomed the upcoming inauguration of Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and urge him to work with City Council and regional experts to build on the city’s environmental successes with bold action addressing climate change…

Approval of Scoping Plan Paves Way to Bold Climate Action

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, NY – Today New York’s Climate Action Council voted on a final iteration of the Scoping Plan containing its recommendations for implementing the state’s landmark 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The Act tasked the Council with developing…

NYC Climate Week Panel Focused on Climate-Friendly Buildings

Press ReleaseNew York City
NEW YORK, NY – During NYC Climate Week, dozens of New Yorkers attended “Efficiency + Electrification + Affordability: The Recipe for Equitable, Climate-friendly Buildings”. The event included an expert panel that discussed how New York State can lead the way…

Public Service Commission Approves Two Milestone Climate Initiatives

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, NY -- Today the New York Public Service Commission approved a program called Tier 4, which will facilitate the delivery of approximately 3,000 megawatts of clean energy to the nearly 9 million people living in the NYC-metro area. Upon…

Governor Murphy Signs Bill that Addresses Threat to Pollinators

Press ReleaseNew Jersey
TRENTON, NJ – New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law A2070 (Calabrese)/S1016 (Smith) today, which prohibits most outdoor non-agricultural uses of harmful neonicotinoid pesticides. An outpouring of scientific evidence points to neonics as a leading cause of bee losses…

CO Advocates Call for Action on Lead in Schools

Press ReleaseColorado
DENVER — Colorado advocates are calling on state legislators to pass the Get the Lead out of School Drinking Water Act during the 2022 legislative session. The bill would protect children from lead exposure by funding water filters and lead…

Colorado Energy Office Report a Green Light for Clean Trucks

Press ReleaseColorado
DENVER — The Colorado Energy Office released a report prepared by MJ Bradley & Associates showing that adopting two new policies to get clean trucks on the road can save Coloradans up to $20.4 billion over the next 30 years…

360,000 Lead Pipes May Deliver Water to Homes in New York

Press ReleaseNew York
New York, NY – New York has 360,000 lead pipes delivering water to people’s homes statewide, the fourth highest number of any state in the nation, according to a new survey from NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). New York State has committed, although not entirely allocated, $5 billion in…