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+86 10 5927 0688
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Eastern regional issues

Viewing 1 - 20 of 45

Colorado Sets National Example by Restoring Wetlands Protections

Press ReleaseDenver
The Colorado General Assembly has demonstrated national leadership by being the first state in the nation to pass legislation restoring protections for tens of thousands of acres of wetlands and streams that were put at risk after a Supreme Court…

Governor Newsom and CA Legislature Agree on Path to Clean, Reliable Energy

Press ReleaseSacramento
Governor Gavin Newsom and the California state legislature have announced an agreement to protect the reliability of California's energy grid amid the state's transition to clean energy. The bill centers the procurement of clean electricity, expedition of electric infrastructure projects, strengthening…

Groups Welcome New Denver Mayor

Press ReleaseDenver
Environmental, racial justice and health organizations today welcomed the upcoming inauguration of Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and urge him to work with City Council and regional experts to build on the city’s environmental successes with bold action addressing climate change…

California PUC Finalizes Solar Net Metering Decision

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO – The California Public Utilities Commission issued its final decision for Net Billing Tariff today, which establishes the state’s approach to solar rooftop and storage incentives and rates for the next five years.

NRDC Statement on Passage of CA Diablo Canyon Extension Bill

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – The California Legislature sent Senate Bill 846, the Diablo Canyon powerplant: extension of operations bill (Sen Bill Dodd D-3,) to the governor’s desk. NRDC, along with Friends of the Earth and Environment California were lead signatories of the 2016…

Community Solar Bill Clears First Legislative Hurdle

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – A bill to increase access to renewable energy for more Californians, such as through community solar with storage, passed through the Assembly Utilities and Energy committee today. If passed, the bill will provide clean energy access and bill…

Colorado Energy Office Report a Green Light for Clean Trucks

Press ReleaseColorado
DENVER — The Colorado Energy Office released a report prepared by MJ Bradley & Associates showing that adopting two new policies to get clean trucks on the road can save Coloradans up to $20.4 billion over the next 30 years…

Delivering Zero Emissions Communities Program Announces Winning Cities

Press ReleaseChicago, San Diego, San Jose (California)
SAN FRANCISCO — Chicago, San Diego, and San José have won spots in the newly-launched Delivering Zero Emissions Communities program. Through this one-year accelerator program, the cities will join with community partners to take bold, concrete, and immediate action toward…

Colorado First State to Pass Labor-Backed Electrification Policy

Press ReleaseColorado
DENVER — Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed SB21-246 today, making his state the first in the nation to pass an electrification policy with support from organized labor. The Colorado BlueGreen Alliance-backed legislation will help Coloradans upgrade to efficient electric appliances…

Denver Releases Renewable Heating and Cooling Plan

Press ReleaseDenver
DENVER — The Denver Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and Resiliency (CASR) released a Renewable Heating and Cooling Plan today showing how Denver residents can heat and cool their homes and businesses efficiently with clean electricity. The Plan describes opportunities…

Newsom and Interior Department Announce Offshore Wind Plan

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom and the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) today announced plans to advance offshore wind development in ocean waters off of California’s coast to address the state’s need for clean…

New Guide Charts Path to High-Road Clean Energy Jobs

Press ReleaseCalifornia
San Francisco — As the Biden-Harris administration looks to create good union jobs and tackle climate change at the same time, a new guide charts how cities can incorporate workforce development and equity goals into their climate action plans.