Safe Drinking Water in Flint Should Not Come at Expense of California’s Jobs or Environment

WASHINGTON – Representative Kevin McCarthy, with the agreement of Senator Dianne Feinstein, is trying to insert language today into the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) bill that would jeopardize funding aimed at helping Flint, Michigan replace its lead-contaminated water system.

The following is a statement by Scott Slesinger, legislative director at the Natural Resources Defense Council:

“It is absolutely unacceptable to hold Flint funding hostage to this anti-environmental language.  This last minute, backroom deal proposes changes to WRDA that would threaten thousands of fishing jobs on the West Coast and harm water quality.  The people of Flint have waited too long for safe drinking water to be victimized again by this kind of political backroom dealing.”

Senator Feinstein has long advocated for “regular order” – that is, a fair and open legislative process – for California drought legislation, in contrast to this 11th hour process that did not involve the fishing community or other affected stakeholders.  Senator Barbara Boxer and many other Members strongly oppose the Feinstein-McCarthy language.  The bill could be vetoed over these anti-environmental provisions.

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