NRDC Stands with Those Calling for Racial Justice

We have a responsibility to be fully and visibly committed to the fight against systemic racism and for justice, equity, and hope.

The killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and countless others before them lay bare America’s failure to address the systemic racism that perpetuates lethal violence against Black people. Now is the time for justice. Now is the time to actively root out racism. Now is the time to work toward a just and equitable society.

NRDC has a responsibility to be fully and visibly committed to the fight against systemic racism and for justice, equity, and hope.

We stand up against hatred and injustice. We stand up for human dignity and respect. We stand in solidarity with Black families and communities calling for justice. We stand together with those demanding systemic change now, and we recognize the deep feelings of anger and frustration triggered by deeply rooted injustices. Peaceful protest builds a durability that violence cannot.


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