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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11

NRDC: Youngkin Goes Above the Law for Big Oil

Press ReleaseVirginia
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced today that he will halt Clean Cars Rules which aim to deliver cleaner cars and lower fuel costs to Virginians.

NRDC Launches Ads to Support Climate Standards

Press ReleaseWashington, D.C., Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Michigan
These proposed EPA standards target the two largest sources of carbon emissions—and build on the historic investments passed by Congress last year that will support clean energy and cleaner vehicles.

Attacks on Clean Cars Law Rejected by the Virginia Senate

Press ReleaseVirginia
RICHMOND, VA — Today the Virginia Senate defeated the last of eight bills aimed at repealing the Clean Cars Virginia program. The program set standards for vehicle manufacturers to deliver cars that emit less carbon pollution and smog-forming pollutants; and…

NC Moves to Adopt Zero-Emission Truck Regulation

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
RALEIGH, NC – Today, Governor Cooper signed an executive order for North Carolina to initiate an Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule, a policy that will help to achieve widespread electrification of vehicles ranging from delivery vans to tractor trailers. A…

NRDC Analysis: Virginia to See 31,800+ Jobs from Build Back Better Act

Press ReleaseVirginia
RICHMOND, VA — A new NRDC analysis shows that the Build Back Better Act, as it currently stands, has the potential to significantly accelerate clean energy investment, economic activity, and job growth in Virginia. The Senate’s passage of the Build…

NC Energy and Equity Executive Order [NRDC Reaction]

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
RALEIGH, NC – Governor Roy Cooper released his climate and equity executive order today, laying out how the State of North Carolina will address some of the most pressing energy and environment issues facing the state.

Gas Industry Backed HB 220 Takes Rights Away from NC Communities

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
Today the North Carolina General Assembly has passed HB220, which, if signed by Governor Cooper, will take away the rights of counties and cities to pass performance standards that cut carbon emissions from new buildings by using electrification.

Governor Cooper Must Sign Revised Energy Bill

Press ReleaseNorth Carolina
RALEIGH, NC -- The North Carolina General Assembly has passed HB951, a bill that was previously a give-away to Duke Energy and the fracked gas industry, but has since undergone intense revisions. If signed, the bill would codify parts of…

Virginia’s Historic Bill Will Cut Tailpipe Pollution

Press ReleaseVirginia
WASHINGTON – Virginia’s Senate passed “Clean Cars Virginia” legislation today, putting the measure on a sure path to becoming law. This measure will ensure that people can purchase vehicles that pollute less and save them money at the pump.