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+86 10 5927 0688
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Viewing 1 - 20 of 44

New Report Finds Harmful PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water Throughout California

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO – A new report out today finds that drinking water throughout California is contaminated with harmful PFAS chemicals, particularly in already heavily polluted communities. The report is titled “Dirty Water: Toxic ‘Forever’ PFAS Chemical Are Prevalent in the…

360,000 Lead Pipes May Deliver Water to Homes in New York

Press ReleaseNew York
New York, NY – New York has 360,000 lead pipes delivering water to people’s homes statewide, the fourth highest number of any state in the nation, according to a new survey from NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). New York State has committed, although not entirely allocated, $5 billion in…

Governor Newsom Declares Drought Emergency in Two California Counties

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – California Governor Gavin Newsom today proclaimed a State of Emergency in Sonoma and Mendocino counties as California and much of the West face drought and near-drought conditions that threaten the economy, public health, and ecosystems. The declaration allows…

Gov. Cuomo Blocks Williams Pipeline for Third Time

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, N.Y. – Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today blocked the Williams Pipeline from moving forward. This decision comes after nearly three years of unrelenting grassroots advocacy in opposition to the fossil…

Court Derails Trump Administration’s Efforts to Take More Water from Bay-Delta

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – The Federal Court for the Eastern District of California granted in part a preliminary injunction yesterday against the Trump Administration’s efforts to increase water diversions from California’s Bay-Delta, which threaten endangered species including winter-run Chinook salmon, Delta Smelt…

L.A. City Council Members Aim to Prevent Amazon Deforestation

Press ReleaseCalifornia
LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles City Councilmembers Paul Koretz (5th District) and David Ryu (4th District) presented a motion today to put an end to City purchases of products derived from the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. The Councilmembers further…

Trump Rolls Back Endangered Species Act Protections During Trip to California

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SACRAMENTO – During a visit to California today, President Trump moved forward with implementing Endangered Species Act permits (known as biological opinions) that dramatically weaken environmental protections for salmon and other imperiled species in California’s Bay-Delta Watershed. The State of…

New York State Adopts Paint Recycling Program

Press ReleaseNew York
ALBANY, N.Y. – Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday signed the paint recycling legislation, a bill designed to tackle a long-standing solid waste disposal problem by making it possible for business and residents to recycle leftover paint at hundreds of convenient locations…

Governor Newsom Vetoes Trump Defense Bill

Press ReleaseCalifornia
Sacramento – California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed Senate Bill 1 the California Environmental, Public Health, and Workers Defense Act of 2019 today, after the bill passed by wide margins in both the State Senate and Assembly.

Trump Administration California Water Letter is Galling

Press ReleaseCalifornia
SAN FRANCISCO – The Trump Administration sent a letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom with claims that California is failing to live up to its Clean Water obligations. The letter comes a week after the Trump Administration threatened to withdraw…